Gyranda Monto Q176(PS) was purchased at the 2020 Gyranda Sale. We identified him as a
bull who could add power to some of our highly fertile bloodlines and he has done just what
we hoped he would. It is interesting that Tyndale Noddy(P), a bull that helped transform the
Rosevale herd, appears four generations back in two branches of his pedigree.
Monto is extremely long with an efficient, light sheath. He dispels the myth that ‘bulls need
to have a bit of leather’ to have size. In addition, he is a very sound footed animal.
As his data suggests, he is a heavily muscled, big weight bull. His EMA EBV ranks him in the
top 1% of the breed. In addition, his progeny are quiet and his sons test consistently well in
semen morphology tests (top 1%). His female fertility (Days to Calving EBV) sits a little below
other bulls we have used in the herd recently but we have complementary mated him to our
highly fertile females in order to hit a happy medium of all traits.
Seven Monto sons sold last year to average $14,714. These included the $30,000 Talisman
T164(PP) who sold to Craig & Phillipa Ross’s Kemmis Creek herd.